Eddie Monger ® *Thunder Kickboxing*

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Head Coach Eddie "Thunderkick" Monger History

Head Coach

Coach Brenda "2sweet" Harrison

I want to be in better shape then I am now when I am in my 40's till forever. I believe alot of people spend more time thinking they have to workout for a few hours to stay in shape really you only need a half and hour to 1 hour to stay in shape (depending on the exercise). But most important is that you eat right. If you do not eat right but workout as hard as possible, still that may not help you at all. The combination of eating right and working out hard will get you in shape. A good thing to do is get a nutritionist to get your diet straight it is well worth it in the long run. I know your thinking about the nutritionist will cost alot but so does those clothes that you buy once a week or twice a month. What about when you put that premium gas in your car, the oil changing, transmission check, and get fluid change? Most people take better care of there car engines and car body then they would ever take care of there own body. The main thing to remember is toning, cardio, and eating right is the basic way of staying in great shape.

Brenda "2sweet" Harrison History

* Amatuer kickboxer/boxer

* 6-0:4-0 ISKA Kickboxing record as a atom weight

* Five years of training under Eddie “Thunderkick” Monger

* Two years of teaching Eddie “Thunderkick” Monger Thunder Kickboxing System

Brenda "2sweet" Harrison Certifications

* Certified under Coach Eddie “Thunderkick” Monger Thunder Kickboxing System

* IFA(International Fitness Association)
Certified as a Aerobic and Fitness Instructor.

* ISKA(International Sports Kickboxing Association) member

* CPR certified

Coach Walter Barber History

* Amatuer kickboxer/boxer

* Five years of training under Eddie “Thunderkick” Monger

* Teach Eddie “Thunderkick” Monger Thunder Kickboxing System

Walter Barber Certifications

* Certified under Coach Eddie “Thunderkick” Monger Thunder Kickboxing System

* CPR certified




Modified May 2000.